Unleash your strategic prowess in this unique tower defense game where each kill earns you blood currency, fueling your upgrades. Progress through increasingly challenging waves of enemies, each with distinctive behaviors, while utilizing a dynamic arsenal of weapons—ranging from traditional bullets to electrifying lightning chains. Customize your playstyle with various upgrades, including attack speed and damage scaling. With each drop of blood, unlock new abilities and gain the edge needed to survive the onslaught. Dive into a game that blends tactical planning with roguelike card upgrades.

Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
TagsIdle, Incremental, Tower Defense


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Decent proof of concept for a game. Breaks horribly if you upgrade too far though.

I would say there should be extra requirements for prestige, like kill x enemies in a single attempt, increasing the required zone each time. For example:

1st Prestige: Donate 1000 blood

2nd Prestige: Donate 5000 blood and kill 70 enemies in the forest in a single run

3rd Prestige: Donate 20000 blood and kill 90 enemies in the desert in a single run

4th Prestige: Donate 80000 blood and kill 100 enemies in the mountains in a single run

And give more blood or another reward for increasing zone difficulty. Maybe give a bonus to a stat/reduce costs based on the highest wave cleared in each zone?

Last thing would be to increase the area size a bit. It is a bit cramped as it is. (Oh, and fix high levels causing you to just... die. When I got everything to level 60, the game almost froze, and as soon as a plant enemy showed up I just died about 10 seconds in.)

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This game is pretty enjoyable! Personally, it is annoying how fast you get overwhelmed early on, and even after some upgrades, you still get eliminated within a minute. Regardless, I enjoyed this game.

Breaks hilariously when you have millions of blood...

Is there a reason for the Donate Blood button? A reason -not- to just donate it all right away?

Also, sometimes the lasers glitch and stay on screen for the whole round~

Other than that, a nice base, fun lil game! ^^

there was not a donate all until this morning when some people requested it. Thanks!

For what it is, it's quite good. However having to hold down the donate blood button is actually super awful in a game like this. It should simply be 1 click to donate all blood. That is legit the only issue holding this game back. Or on the off chance you don't want to do a donate all button, speed up the rate that you donate by at LEAST 10x. Ideally more like 50x

Yeah super sorry about that. I noticed that when porting it to WebGL and I speed it up by about 9000x and made it donate multiple at a time but it seems the WebGL doesn’t like holding down a button for donation. Will be adding a donate all button. Thanks!

Donate all button added! That should have been there from the start. Thanks!

Hell yeah! <3

(1 edit)

I need to know more about the mechanics.
What do the different coloured borders mean?
Why do multiples of the same upgrade appear?
What does donating blood do?
Where are the enemies' health bars?

I know it's a jam game but I think it would have been better with icons as well as text for upgrades.

different color borders are different rarity level ups. Commons increased a stat by 1 level, i commons 2, rates 3, and legendaries 5.

upgrades can be of different rarity which is why multiple spawn, choose between the three for which path you want to go. Trying to give the player agency.

donating blood both has unlocks such as upgrades or lightening and gives you blood crystals which you use to buy upgrades.

The game is based off of The Perfect Tower / Vampire survivors in which both of those games they don’t display enemy health bars, enemies just die at some point.

Thanks so much for playing! Looking to improve the game

(1 edit)

That was awesome! Way more addictive to play than I was expecting at first. I love the artwork of the enemies and of the player tower. The lightning and fireball attacks were also very refreshing from the normal attack. I definitely think that the one thing I want the most to be added is a donate all blood button. And it would also be awesome to see what stats get increased (x% -> y%) when you get blood upgrades. 

I really love the different tiers of upgrades too and their different icons. Personally I never felt like it was worth it to upgrade health? I think if the enemies had appeared in waves that might make health + regen a lot more useful as I seem to be overrun as soon as an enemy hits my tower.  

Just a bit of music or SFX for hitting enemies/picking upgrades would be sick too in the future :)

I would totally love to see any other upgrades/attacks/features added in the future and I think you could do a lot gameplay wise with the game. 

Really fun to play and thanks for submitting it to the jam :D I think you did a great job with this game


nice game.
initially I wasnt too eager about it (not being rude but the interface and all looks rather simple and it was not obvious at first to me that "base" doesnt mean main menu. cause in most games, upon death you return to the "hub" area with upgrade automatically)

but now I like it.And despite me hating prestige systems (after spending 1000 blood, expecting some cool new weapon after the lightning, I wanted to punch myself since all it unlocked was prestige).
but given that finally is some decent prestige multiplier.

I jsut absolutely hate it in most games where you spent HOURS to grind to a certain levels, produce like 10 to the power of many quadrillions of energy and whatnot.
bd then are supposed to "prestige", sacrificing this for...
like a 0.5% increase in enentgy production!

when before you made like 1000000000000000 energy pr second, who gives a flying s about a .5% increase?

so yeah, most prestige systems are jsut sh and only there to inflate the play time by making you do  basically the same long hour thing over and over again.

not here.
even though likely not intended, i by now can prestige after literally the first fight.
since I get like that much blood already after only having prestiged 3 or 4 times.

first time getting to prestige was hard but after it became more and more jokingly easy.

I like the overpowerdness but you definitely will want to nerf that blood multiplier.
not too much, but jsut a bit.
3 is too much i think.

that aside, obviously more thing besides the normal attack and lightning and such.
will now grind for a bit to become the insta shooting mage tower :-)


oh and an "donate all blood" button would be nice.
since, even holding down the mosue, it jsut takes a bit too long for my taste to spent those 1000 blood :-)


nevermind, apparently blood crystals use for buing upgrades are different from blood spent.
now I wonder, where do the blood crystals even come from and in what ratio?


currency system a little funky but blood crystals do come from donating blood. And 100% I want a higher prestige system I was gonna make a prestige shop where you can unlock more weapons / tower modifications (like making the tower melee and tanky), but this is the basis I had. It was for a game jam  and the main part of this game was made in ~5 or so days so I apologize, but hoping good things in the future for it!

only problem i am having is it doesn't fully fit in the browser i don't Know If It's A Bug Or Somthing Else But  This Does Seem Fun Besides I Hate Reading So This Is Great For Me

haha yes. It should be positioned right if played in full screen, this is my first time exporting to WebGL not sure how to fix that. Thanks!

wait, there is more? :O




Simple 2D graphics are a very popular solution.

The fantasy setting is a very popular setting.




Another tower defense game is a good idea!

Resetting a player's level is not a convenient, discrediting idea, please spare the players' time, we must have a personal life.

Blood as an element of volute is a good idea, the main feature of your game is good.


Thanks for making this game!